These are the gowns that we have picked to be in our first photo contest at Kane Studios Photogrqaphy. The Contest will end on April 15, 2012 at 12:00 Noon. All contestants will be put on the Kane Studios Photography, Inc. facebook page in an album called "JAG Gowns" for all friends and family to vote on. All voters must like "Kane Studios photography"on facebook and they must cast their vote by liking your photo image. All likes will be counted at noon on April 15, 2012. The winner will receive a FREE 16x20 laminated AND board mounted of the image that won.....OR a Free 16x20 print , laminated and board mounted with any paid photo session at Kane Studios. These are the gowns that we will post. If you do not want to be in the contest call me and I will delete your photo. Good Luck to all of you.
Kane Studios is now offering workshops on Sunday only. We may do a workshop once a month depending on the response by our viewers. We are excited about offering these workshops to our customers and feel that we have information that our customers will benefit from. Check the workshops out on our website. Come join us on Sunday afternoons at our beautiful property to enjoy a fun time learning interesting stuff that will benefit you personally and financially.